Understand 7.0’s new Interactive Reports transform raw code metrics into insightful and engaging visualizations, offering customization options to tailor the analysis to your specific needs and reveal the true story behind your code.
Author: Natasha Stander
Hersteller Initiative Software (HIS) Metrics
Unlock the power of HIS metrics in Understand and ensure your code is robust, maintainable, and bug-free with this comprehensive guide to utilizing these essential code quality measures.
CodeCheck in Understand 7.0
Understand 7.0 introduces a significantly improved CodeCheck with tighter integration, powerful reporting features, and the ability to manage multiple inspections. This allows for better analysis of code quality over time, including trend analysis and accurate baselining comparisons. New interactive reports and a dedicated web dashboard provide enhanced visualizations and insights into code health, streamlining the identification and tracking of violations.
Custom Charts in Understand 7.0
Understand 7.0 makes it easier for users to create custom charts. With new tools and a redesigned Plugin Manager, developers can change existing charts or make new ones to fit their needs. This gives users more flexibility when analyzing and presenting their code.
Interactive Reports in Understand 7.0
Understand 7.0 introduces powerful new features to Interactive Reports (IReports), enabling users to generate dynamic reports with tables, charts, and customizable formatting. These enhancements streamline workflow and allow for easy sharing of reports via HTML and PDF exports.
Finding Shared Global Objects
Having problems with threading? Check out these plugins to identify shared global objects. The plugins also use a cool trick: architectures as entity tags to store information like thread priorities.
Duplicate Lines of Code
Revisiting how we detect and report duplicate lines of code, and creating a plugin metric to report it.
Overly Complex Files
Frustrated by vague code quality metrics? Explore how to translate CBR Insight’s metrics for file complexity, thresholds, and comment to code ratio into equivalent custom Understand metrics to gain a more nuanced understanding of your code’s quality.
Git Plugins for Understand
Cool Git plugins for Understand to access commits, authors, owners, cohesion, coupling, and dates.
Cognitive Complexity Metric Plugin
A detailed technical description of how to calculate cognitive complexity using Understand’s API and why the cognitive complexity metric could be important to you.