Three plugins provided by our partner, TechMatrix, that can help you identify and visualize code with low maintainability.
Tag: metrics
Measuring Your Code
Learn about the available metrics in Understand, the ways to explore them, and how they can help you solve problems.
API: Contents vs Value
The API for entities have both contents and values. Natasha explains the difference while fixing a bug.
Useful Script: Export All Metric Values, Not Just Violations
This script exports the Hersteller Initiative Software Metric values into a CSV for every file in your project. You can easily tweak it to do all or any metric you choose.
Just How Complex Is Your Project?
Jordan decides to write a Python script to find out exactly how many unique paths there are through his project.
Assessing Possible Changes in Source Code (a.k.a. My boss asked me to change this code)
Estimating the impact of changing a function in the open-source covid source code.
A visual tour of cyclomatic complexity
A visual tour of how maintenance risk increases with cyclomatic complexity