A script to calculate and display design structure matrices based on file dependencies—plus lots of cool metrics based on the matrix.
Author: Natasha Stander
Custom Report: Finding Parameter Values
Understand’s Python API makes it a great platform for creating quick tools to explore exactly what you are interested in. In this case, I was curious if a default parameter was ever set to a non-default value or if a given parameter is always the same value. Check out these two custom interactive reports that show parameter values for each call.
Showing Line Coverage
Introducing custom line metrics in Understand – with examples showing coverage and violation information integrated into Control Flow and Data Flow Graphs.
Finding Dependencies Between Libraries
Find everything a module depends on so you can easily extract it into a separate binary
Updated Metrics in Understand 6.4
Abstract: Learn what’s changed with Metrics in Understand 6.4. What happened to metric …!?!? If you don’t see your favorite metric right away, don’t panic. Understand 6.4 made some changes to metrics,…
Metric Plugins
Abstract: Understand 6.4 let’s you create your own metrics. Understand comes with a lot of built-in metrics, like the number of code lines or the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of a function. Not…
Visualize Code Coverage in Understand
Abstract: This article generates code coverage information for openssl and shows a few ways to use the information. I have to admit that the only time I’ve used code coverage is for…
Making a Variable Tracker Graph
Use Understand’s Information Browser to find and graph all possible variables of your source code.
Friends Don’t Let Friends Have C++ Friends
An interactive report to show all the references that depend on C++ friend statements.
Understand as a Code Paradigm
Abstract: Understand looks and acts a lot like an IDE, but don’t be deceived. The real power of Understand comes from the way it represents your code and the solutions you can…