Easily compare how the call trees and functions have changed between any two versions of openSSL over the last 10 years.
Author: Stephane Raynaud
Understanding Macro Heavy Code
Here is a quick solution to see your code with the MACROs replaced.
Licensing Understand As You Grow
Understand has a very flexible licensing system that can adapt and grow with your project. It supports single users or groups and works in online and offline environments.
Analyzing Boost on Linux, a remarkable story to learn.
A walkthrough on how to analyze a complex open-source project, the Boost library
Not a software company? SciTools can help you become one.
This article covers easy-to-implement strategies for small to mid-cap companies that operate in industries (Commercial, B2B, and Consumer products) where: software development remains a small part of the expenditures, & maintaining or gaining market share will require more software investments.