Fixing function names with Understand’s Rename Refactor tool, and some recent improvements to it
Category: Power User Tips
A Toolsmith’s Guide to the Understand API
Using Understand’s C, Perl, and Python APIs to write programs about your programs, you can make your team more productive, smarter, and less dangerous
Git Comparison Projects
You can now create Understand Comparison Projects directly from git
How Hard is it?
Understand is used to determine how much work it would take to create a database that reads files from a git repository.
Minimize the Impact of Interruptions
Now you keep interruptions from ruining your thought process in Understand. Session Browser lets you save your work, explore something completely unrelated, and then switch back to where you were.
Info is just a Hover Away
If you hover over your code in Understand it will tell you all sorts of things about what you are hovering over.
One-Click Code Browsing
The “Browse” mode of Understand generates synch events and definition visits with just a single click.
Browsing Code with Tired Eyes
You are tired. Your eyes are old. Or you just have bad eyes. You CAN change the font look/size for most of Understand’s interface easily and press on!
Analyzing Makefile Based Source Code
We use “bear”, an open-source tool, to watch builds from a Makefile built project (bitcoin) and create a very useful Understand parse with it.
Understand’s most useful and smallest button
The button controlling how the Information Browser shows references packs a big punch in just 25 pixels.