Now you keep interruptions from ruining your thought process in Understand. Session Browser lets you save your work, explore something completely unrelated, and then switch back to where you were.
Tag: engineer
Short-term memory overload while debugging
The decisions you make while thinking about code are far too complicated to trust to memory. Ken shows how Understand helps you not rely on short term memory and walk code in an organized fashion that misses nothing.
Info is just a Hover Away
If you hover over your code in Understand it will tell you all sorts of things about what you are hovering over.
Why use Understand? (Dinner Party edition)
A long, and growing, list of dinner party conversation reasons Ken gives for why customers use Understand.
Blame Can Be Good
A bug in the control flow graph is solved using the Git blame margin in Understand to quickly find a related fix in a recent commit.
Making Graphs Interesting
Understand has a lot of different graphs that use the display area quite differently. Natasha goes into detail about how we determine what to display for that critical initial view of a graph.
3 Pre-hire Signs of a Successful Software Engineer
They are nice. They care about the places they’ve worked/studied. They are interested in computer science.
Hey Managers… Just Say Yes.
Investing in your developers will help them work smart, stay happy, and stay.