If you hover over your code in Understand it will tell you all sorts of things about what you are hovering over.
Tag: power user
Just How Complex Is Your Project?
Jordan decides to write a Python script to find out exactly how many unique paths there are through his project.
Browsing Code with Tired Eyes
You are tired. Your eyes are old. Or you just have bad eyes. You CAN change the font look/size for most of Understand’s interface easily and press on!
Understand’s most useful and smallest button
The button controlling how the Information Browser shows references packs a big punch in just 25 pixels.
Setting up use case specific tool and window layouts with Understand Sessions
Understand Sessions lets you configure your workspace as you like it for a particular task, name and save it, and then switch between different workspace setups instantly. This is useful for common use cases and for switching between tasks.
Set up Understand for Awesome Code Browsing
Use Understand’s Browse mode, Synching, the Previewer, Bookmarks, and Annotations to step thru a complicated function, thinking about it, saving locations, and leaving notes/ToDos as we explore.
My Tricks for Using Understand
Learn to quickly navigate in Understand like one of our Senior Engineers.