Abstract: We are always working to help you out. Take a look at what we’ve done this last month (January 2022).
Comparison Projects
We recently introduced Comparison Projects that make it easy to compare your project over time and see what has changed. Now we’ve added a Comparison Treemap to quickly visualize where these changes are happening so you know where to focus.

Keeping up with Industry Standards
Our engineers are continuing to add support for more CodeChecks every week and they are getting really close to finishing up the AUTOSAR C++14 Standard. Take a look at what’s covered.
Get Exactly What You Need With Our API’s
Our Java API has always lagged behind our Python and Perl API’s, so we’ve been fleshing it out to make it more robust. We’ve also added the capability to make custom graphs in Understand using the Python API. Take a look at this post to see how one of our customers uses the API.
Keep on Improving
We’ve been adding to our refactoring capabilities, fixing language specific issues, and adding new ‘und’ commands for better automation from the command line. Check out the Build Notes for details.
Removing Support for 32 bit Windows
We are strongly considering removing 32 bit Windows support from Understand due to very low usage. This change would free up engineers to focus on other parts of Understand. If this will negatively impact your team please contact us – it will help with the decision.