Abstract: Understand 6.4 let’s you create your own metrics. Understand comes with a lot of built-in metrics, like the number of code lines or the McCabe cyclomatic complexity of a function. Not…
Category: API
Visualize Code Coverage in Understand
Abstract: This article generates code coverage information for openssl and shows a few ways to use the information. I have to admit that the only time I’ve used code coverage is for…
Making a Variable Tracker Graph
Use Understand’s Information Browser to find and graph all possible variables of your source code.
Friends Don’t Let Friends Have C++ Friends
An interactive report to show all the references that depend on C++ friend statements.
Using Understand to Develop Advanced Weapons Systems
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) uses Understand by SciTools to measure and verify the development of advanced weapons systems against the Navy Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) coding standard. They achieve this by utilizing Understand’s CodeCheck and other features.
Virtually Execute Code with Understand
Abstract: A script for virtually executing code. A debugger inside Understand sure would be nice. I hope I’m not the only one out there who uses Understand while debugging. Integrating a debugger…
Adding ChatGPT and AI to Understand
Creating an easy plugin that uses OpenAI to explain your code
Making a Custom IOCTL Calls Tree
A sample plugin to add edges between IOCTL commands and driver code.
Making a Custom Cluster Graph
Extend the custom architecture dependencies graph by adding clusters.
Making a Dependency Graph with Custom Dependencies
A sample python graph plugin to add custom dependencies to an architecture dependency graph.