Our lead engineer uses Understand’s assign references to track data flow and hunt down a memory leak.
Tag: tips
Add Comments When the Code Can’t Explain Itself
TLDR The one certain time you should add comments to code is when the code can’t or doesn’t explain itself. Adding Comments I read a lot of code. And thus, I read…
Making a Variable Tracker Graph
Use Understand’s Information Browser to find and graph all possible variables of your source code.
Understand as a Code Paradigm
Abstract: Understand looks and acts a lot like an IDE, but don’t be deceived. The real power of Understand comes from the way it represents your code and the solutions you can…
Getting Started with Understand
Understanding basic functions of the IDE and static code analysis tool Understand by Scitools.
As-Built Documentation
What does “as-built documentation” mean? For me, it means being able to find answers to my questions by quickly viewing references in the code. Take a look at how I use as-built documentation in a real-life scenario with Understand.
Minimize the Impact of Interruptions
Now you keep interruptions from ruining your thought process in Understand. Session Browser lets you save your work, explore something completely unrelated, and then switch back to where you were.
Info is just a Hover Away
If you hover over your code in Understand it will tell you all sorts of things about what you are hovering over.
One-Click Code Browsing
The “Browse” mode of Understand generates synch events and definition visits with just a single click.
Browsing Code with Tired Eyes
You are tired. Your eyes are old. Or you just have bad eyes. You CAN change the font look/size for most of Understand’s interface easily and press on!