Abstract: A script for virtually executing code. A debugger inside Understand sure would be nice. I hope I’m not the only one out there who uses Understand while debugging. Integrating a debugger…
Category: Useful Scripts
Adding ChatGPT and AI to Understand
Creating an easy plugin that uses OpenAI to explain your code
Visualizing Shared Tasks
Abstract: Visualize an architecture of functions with the Shared Tasks graph. What’s worse than having too many chefs in the kitchen working on the same dish? Thread concurrency problems. A task –…
Making a Custom IOCTL Calls Tree
A sample plugin to add edges between IOCTL commands and driver code.
Making a Custom Cluster Graph
Extend the custom architecture dependencies graph by adding clusters.
Making a Dependency Graph with Custom Dependencies
A sample python graph plugin to add custom dependencies to an architecture dependency graph.
Making a Custom Architecture Tree
How to create a custom architecture tree using the Python API.
Comparing OpenSSL
Easily compare how the call trees and functions have changed between any two versions of openSSL over the last 10 years.
Making A Custom Call Tree
Creating a sample Understand graph plugin to draw a call tree using the Python API.
Useful Script: Export All Metric Values, Not Just Violations
This script exports the Hersteller Initiative Software Metric values into a CSV for every file in your project. You can easily tweak it to do all or any metric you choose.