An interactive report to show all the references that depend on C++ friend statements.
Tag: api
Using Understand to Develop Advanced Weapons Systems
The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) uses Understand by SciTools to measure and verify the development of advanced weapons systems against the Navy Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) coding standard. They achieve this by utilizing Understand’s CodeCheck and other features.
Making a Custom IOCTL Calls Tree
A sample plugin to add edges between IOCTL commands and driver code.
Making a Custom Cluster Graph
Extend the custom architecture dependencies graph by adding clusters.
Making a Dependency Graph with Custom Dependencies
A sample python graph plugin to add custom dependencies to an architecture dependency graph.
Making a Custom Architecture Tree
How to create a custom architecture tree using the Python API.
Optimizing Understand API scripts
Identifying which CodeCheck scripts are taking a long time and three functions that might be slowing down your custom API scripts.
Automating A Custom Architecture
Build a custom architecture using the Perl or Python API to virtually reorganize your code however you wish.
Cool Plugins for Code Maintenance
Three plugins provided by our partner, TechMatrix, that can help you identify and visualize code with low maintainability.
Making A Custom Call Tree
Creating a sample Understand graph plugin to draw a call tree using the Python API.